2021 in Review

This year started with a bang – and not a good bang. More like a bang... uh-oh!

It’s been an interesting year, to say the least. My job as a freelance translator from German to English came to a screeching halt, as did the world, and I caught myself thinking that maybe I should get a “real” job. But the opportunities were few and far between (funny how working in the tourism industry during Covid will do that), so I decided to wait it out.

February to April was slow. I went from translating the wonders of South Tyrol on a daily basis to wondering if there was something wrong with my inbox. (There wasn’t.)

Nevertheless, I decided to embrace the situation and make the best out of living in South Tyrol without a “real” job. Instead of writing about South Tyrol, I got to experience it. A pretty fair trade if you ask me! I hiked up trails to secluded peaks, indulged in dishes I previously only drooled over at my keyboard and explored the natural world around me – with snow spikes or touring skis (okay, I only did that twice), on foot or by bike, in a climbing harness or a swimsuit. I gave my mother-in-law English lessons. I learned how to forage for mushrooms (mmm... chanterelles, you delicious treat) and pick stinging nettle (ouch! – but delicious). I even tried to make Schlutzkrapfen – oh, yes, my beloved spinach-stuffed Schlutzkrapfen. The recipe may be simple, but the process is anything but!

One thing I learned in 2021 is that good things take time – whether it’s in work, life, relationships or the art of making Schlutzkrapfen.

With patience and perseverance, work gradually started trickling in. Each passing month brought more projects my way, and I began to regain the sense that my occupation was indeed a “real” job once again.

DINGSBUMS had a slow start in 2021, but I can proudly say I worked on over 50 web pages, translated 46 monthly newsletters, three brochures, 48 Instagram posts, nine luxury hotel websites, and one hotel travel guide – all while enjoying South Tyrol to the fullest.

As uncertain as life can be, one thing I am certain of is my love for South Tyrol and the joy I find in working within an industry that promotes it. I look forward to seeing what 2022 has in store.

Tschüss, pfiati, ciao, bye-bye!


Learning to Ski in South Tyrol